Higher and higher. This tour will take us to three 4000m peaks, two 5000m peaks and one 6000m peak in Ecuador's volcanic landscape.
Today we stay on board again, but there is polar baptism, as we cross the Arctic Circle. Paul was already afraid 🙂. But one have omitted the
throwing into the water here, even if, it would not matter ... Paul can meanwhile swim !!! Have we practiced every day. And even at sea force 4-5,
because the pool water moves with the ship.
There is not too much to see right now, very foggy on the sea. But at least there are some interesting lectures, among others about the polar circle.
After it cleared up to bright sunshine, there were next to some whales even harp seals to see. It goes now the Greenlandic west coast up.
After the wind of the early morning had decreased, the first icebergs were sighted and expedition leader Klaus Kiesewetter had given the information about
the shore leave in Qeqertarsuaq, we were already in Disko Bay. Disko Bay is known for the enormous amount of icebergs coming from the Kangia Icefjord.
They come from the inland ice and flow into the sea via the Kangia Gletcher. This is the most productive glacier in the northern hemisphere. The harbor
of Qeqertarsuaq is reached through a long very narrow rocky access where dangerous cliffs lurk just below the water surface. We anchored here, although
the entrance was further complicated by large icebergs.
The place itself, with its 870 inhabitants was today as if extinct. The reason for this is the Greenlandic soccer championship, which was being at the same
time in Ilulissat on the other side of the Disko Bay. After the shore leave we strolled a few hours along the beach, where beautiful icebergs glided past us.
While the passengers were later brought back to the ship with tender boats, the ship had to anchor a bit further away from the harbor, because the icebergs
threatened to close the harbor entrance. The last people then also had some more extended tender trips to the Albatros.