
Current work

Unity3D game (still in progress)

I'm just getting to know Blender and Unity3D. The goal should be a rather fun adventure game. At the moment the figure made with Blender is only walking around a bit 🙂. Since that will take a while and Unity3D also offers various export options, I've only generated a small web preview: Game.

Visualization of mouse and keyboard actions

C# program, has helped me and my colleagues in online learning, is used to visualize mouse or keyboard actions. This eliminates the questions: What key combination or mouse button was that just now? Download here


My way of interpreting a PHP - MVC design with controllers, services, entities, repositories, models and views. This minimal example works with and without Ajax, including language support and database connection. Here as an example MySqli or Pdo, but the models are freely interchangeable: Code on Github

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