
Northern sea - Page 7

Atlantic - Greenland


Northern sea Today we are the first cruise ship at nearly 78 degrees north latitude in Siorapaluk. It is the northernmost naturally populated place in the world. But that also means that the approx. 50 people who live here would get a culture shock if 800 passers-by pushed their way through their settlement. That's why we were let ashore in staggered groups, 200 people at a time. Beforehand, our expedition leaders got in touch with the locals to discuss dangers, etc. Also the depths had to be sounded for landing our tender boats. The dogs were given an extra meal to take away their aggressiveness. These animals, which are indispensable for hunting and transportation, rest in the villages during the short summer period, but because of their ferocity they have to stay chained all the time. Our polar bear hunters guarded today the dogs 🙂.

Northern sea There is not much to see on land, post office, grocery store, church, school, waterworks, diesel power plant, cemetery, helipad and the service (community) house have most of the places. The real interesting thing is the way of life and the landscape. At 11 o'clock, the local children and their parents gathered at the pontoon and were taken to the ship. Here, a program of games, singing, dancing and handicrafts prepared by the artists and tour guides together with the guest children awaited them. Also funny make-up and a magician's show delighted the young guests. Then still another native polar bear hunter came on board, looked already impressively, its polar bear fur trousers and the seal boots 🙂. In the evening, the captain had to navigate through a lot of icebergs in beautiful weather, later even the midnight sun came out.

At sea

Northern sea It was a quiet sea day. We were prepared for the next highlight tomorrow, Ilulisat, by the expedition leader. But like any bay up here, you needed luck with the weather for landing. In the evening we had buffet Magnifique in the restaurant. The kitchen staff is not only absolutely competent in cooking and baking, but also in preparing the food. From time to time there were even demonstrations on deck how to carve figures out of fruit and ice. It was ingenious to see how an Indian head is created from a melon or an eagle from a lump of ice.

Northern sea Since there wasn't much to report that day, except for the hauntingly beautiful views of the sea, a few words about the evenings. Mostly there were 21.15 clock shows and presentations of the ship's own example or individual performers. Violinists and magicians also brought their repertoire. It was qualitatively also very nicely done. Later one could go to the bars, where there was piano music or dance events. To everything, which was offered so over the day on the ship, one got the evening before a daily program. The organization was excellent. Well, for Paul only parts of it were suitable, but we got along with it.

Northern sea

Northern sea

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