
Northern sea - Page 10

Atlantic - Greenland


Northern sea Shortly after midnight there were northern lights again, even more intense than last time. Early in the morning we were again prepared by the lectors for the place and geological features, then sports and games were the order of the day.

Northern sea Around noon we landed in the last Greenlandic town, Qaqortoq. This was a small but relatively modern former Viking settlement. There were again excursions available, but there was nothing of interest for us. We strolled through the town, the weather was again very good for the latitude. In the afternoon Paule played again with Wolfgang and afterward we went swimming. Inwardly I already said goodbye to Greenland, the gigantic landscape and nature. Because very early the next morning it went past the southern tip, Cape Farvel, towards Iceland.

At sea

Northern sea Early it was foggy, and we saw only vaguely the last coastal sections around Cape Farvel. According to another lecture, the climate here must be very rough under normal conditions. Many ships, even whole whaling fleets must have sunk here. We survived 🙂 and could see in the afternoon even some Walblas, according to Kiesewetter there were even fin whales. He determined this based on the blowing height. There was a highlight for us, the visit to the captain's bridge. We had signed up long in advance. The cruise director took us through there and it was absolutely interesting, starting from the equipment, the functionality to data about the consumption of such a large ship. Unfortunately Paul had to get out in between, it was very warm in there and he got sick.

Northern sea Otherwise, it was a typically spent sea day, Paul was getting homesick anyway, I told him: 2 more trips, then we are there. The sea days I concealed 🙂

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